
This post is more than 5 years old. It may not fully represent my current thoughts on this topic. Please keep that in mind while reading.

Vim is great, but learning to drive it is a long term process. This is my cheat sheet for vanilla installations.


Basic motions

  • Left: h
  • Down: k
  • Up: k
  • Right: l


  • Left 4 characters: 4h
  • Down 2 rows: 2k
  • Up 3 rows: 3k
  • Right 6 characters: 6l

Word movements

  • Next normal-word: w
  • Previous normal-word: b
  • Next whole-word: W
  • Previous whole-word: B
  • End of the current word: e


  • Next 2 normal-words: 2w
  • Previous 2 normal-words: 4b
  • Next 2 whole-words: 3W
  • Previous 3 whole-words: 3B

Fast movements

  • Beginning of the file: gg
  • End of the file: G
  • Jump to line number: {Line number}G; {Line number}gg
  • Next paragraph: }
  • Previous paragraph: {


  • Jump to line number #123: 123G
  • Jump to line number #123: 123gg
  • Next 3rd paragraph: 3}
  • Previous 3rd paragraph: 3{
  • Jump to next character in line: f
  • Jump to previous character in line: F
  • Jump to next character in line, cursor 1 char before occurrence: t
  • Jump to previous character in line, cursor 1 char after occurrence: T
  • Repeat last jump to character (f): ;
  • Repeat last jump to character (f) backward: ,


  • Search the 2nd ‘p’ forward in line: f2p
  • Search the 2nd ‘p’ backwards in line: F2p

Visual mode

  • Toggle going between first and last characters of selection in visual mode: o
  • Toggle going between first and last characters of selection on current line in visual mode: O

Change list

  • Navigate to previous change: g;
  • Navigate to next change: g,
  • Listing previous changes: :changes


  • Navigate to previous jump: <c-O>
  • Navigate to next jump: <c-I>
  • Listing previous jumps: :jumps



  • Insert: i
  • Append: a
  • Delete: x
  • Delete: d{Motion}
  • Undo changes: u
  • Change: c{Motion}
  • Paste after: p
  • Paste before: P
  • Yanking: y{Motion}


  • Delete word: dw
  • Delete word backwards: db
  • Delete 2 lines: 2dd
  • Delete closest tag: di<
  • Change 3 lines: 3dd
  • Change text within closest double quotes in line: ci"
  • Yanking 1 char: yl
  • Yanking 3 chars: 3yl
  • Yanking 1 line: Y
  • Yanking 2 lines: 2Y

Advanced stuff

  • Insert text at the beginning of the current line: I
  • Insert text at the end of the current line: A

Search and Replace

  • Simple search: /
  • Simple Close backwards: ?
  • Jump to next occurence of word under cursor: *
  • Jump to previous occurence of word under cursor: #
  • Jump to matching curly brace, parantheses or bracket under the cursor: %
  • Hide search highlights: :noh


  • Regular expressions search for finding any character followed by a vowel: //.[aeiou]
  • Delete everything up to a search ‘fire’ term: d/fire


  • Replace first ‘Amber’ with ‘Ember’ in line: :s/Amber/Ember
  • Replace all ‘Amber’ with ‘Ember’ in line: :s/Amber/Ember/g
  • Replace all ‘Amber’ with ‘Ember’ in file: :%s/Amber/Ember/g
  • Replace a character: r
  • Enable replace mode: R


  • Replace all ‘router’ with ‘dispatcher’ in method in visual mode with confirmation: v%:’<, >’s/router/dispatcher/gc
  • Replace using last search: :%s//replaceText/g
  • Searching for text starting with a non-space, but the non-space excluded: /[^ ]\zs(


  • Delete first line that matches expression: :s/expression/d


  • Delete all lines except that matches expression: :g!/expression/d
  • Delete all lines except that matches expression (with shortcut): :v/expression/d

Advanced stuff

  • Very magic mode (Most usual expression engine): \v


  • Record empty command list into macro into register A: qaq
  • Replay macro from register A: @a


  • Record macro into register a, delete tag around text in line and go to next line: qadf>f<d$jq
  • Replaying last macro 240 times: 240@a

Advanced movements

Jumping to positions

  • Jump half a screen down: <c-d>
  • Jump half a screen up: <c-u>
  • Jump full screen forward: <c-f>
  • Jump full screen backwards: <c-b>
  • Jump top of the current screen: H
  • Jump middle of the current screen: M
  • Jump last line of the current screen: L

Moving the screen

  • Move current line to top of the screen: zt
  • Move current line to bottom of the screen: zb
  • Move current line to middle of the screen: zz
  • Go down a visual line (in wrapped lines): gj
  • Go to the beginning of the current visual line (in wrapped lines): g0


  • Mark a line into register B: mb
  • Go to registered marker B: ‘b
  • Go back to point where you jumped to marker from: ’’

Command line

  • List files from current directory :!ls
  • Write date into current file: :read !date
  • Using selection of Visual mode as input for script: (-c: compile, -s: standard input, -p: in place) :’<,’>!coffee -c -s -p


Pure buffer commands

  • List buffers: :ls
  • Next buffer: :bn
  • Previous buffer: :bp
  • Go to buffer #12: :b12
  • Delete current buffer: :bd
  • Delete buffer #12: :bd12
  • New buffer: :enew
  • Switch between current and last buffer: <c-^>

Handling files

  • Writing buffer to disk: :w
  • Force writing buffer to disk: :w!
  • Writing all buffers to disk: :wa
  • Writing buffer to disk as filename: :w filename
  • Save file as filename: :saveas filename
  • Set file type: :set ft=filetype

New comment on the top of our 4 buffers

  • Create macro in register A: qa
  • Jump to top of the file: G
  • Add new line at top: O
  • Add comment: # My first comment
  • Save file: :w
  • Next buffer: :bn
  • Run macro: @a
  • Run macro 2 more times: 2@

Windows and Tabs


Split Windows

  • Open (file in) horizontal split :split [filename]; :sp [filename]
  • Open (file in) vertical split: :vpspit [filename]; :vsp [filename]
  • Open buffer in horizontal split window: :sb3
  • Open buffer in vertical split window: :vert sb3

Moving around

  • Navigate to window to the left: <c-w>h
  • Navigate to window to the bottom: <c-w>j
  • Navigate to window to the top: <c-w>k
  • Navigate to window to the right: <c-w>l
  • Move the current window to the left: <c-w>H
  • Move the current window to the bottom: <c-w>J
  • Move the current window window to the top: <c-w>K
  • Move the current window to the right: <c-w>L


  • Make the current window 1 row higher: <c-w>+
  • Make the current window 1 row shorter: <c-w>-
  • Make the current window 1 column wider: <c-w>>
  • Make the current window 1 column narrower: <c-w><


  • 5 rows higher: <c-w>5+
  • 5 rows shorter: <c-w>5-
  • 5 columns wider: <c-w>5>
  • 5 columns narrower: <c-w>5<
  • Make windows on current tab as equal as possible: <c-w>=


  • Close all windows except the currently active one: :on


  • Open file on new tab: tabedit filename; :tabe filename
  • Next tab: gt
  • Previous tab: gT
  • Move to tab #13: 13gt
  • Close the current tab page and all its windows: :tabc
  • Close all tabs except the currently active one: :tabo
  • Move current tab to the end: :tabmove
  • Move current tab to the beginning: :tabmove 0
  • Move current tab to be the second tab: :tabmove 1

Indents and Folds


  • Indent current line: »
  • Unindent current line: «
  • Indent current lines:
  • Unndent current lines:
  • Indent in insert mode: <c-T>
  • Unindent in insert mode: <c-D>
  • Indent selected lines in visual mode 6 times: 6>
  • Unindent selected lines in visual mode 6 times: 6<



Creating a new mapping:

:map ,rs :!bundle exec rspec<cr>

,rs will execute !bundle exec rspec now.

Text Objects

Object types

  • Words: w
  • Paragraph: p
  • Sentence: s
  • Tag: t
  • Curly braces: {
  • Brackets: [
  • Parantheses: (
  • Double quotes: "
  • Quotes:
  • Backticks: `

Selecting types

  • Inside: i
  • Around: a


  • Change content of first Double quotes on line: ci"
  • Delete current paragraph plus the following empyt lines: dap


  • List registers: :registers; :reg, :registers
  • Read current line into register A: “ayy
  • Append the current line to a register A: “Ayy
  • Delete text, but save it to register A: “add
  • Paste the contents of register A: “ap
  • Paste the contents of register A above current line: “aP
  • Paste last yanked text: “0p
  • Unnamed register:
  • Numbered registeres: 0-9
  • Small delete register: -
  • Filename register: %
  • Search register: /

Advanced Register Usage

  • Execute a line as a macro via the unnamed register: 0y$@”
  • Delete a row, then a second one, then paste the first one: dd”_ddp
  • Insert “4” after the cursor with the expression register: "=2*2p

Actions in Insert Mode

  • Vim-style backspace: <c-h>
  • Deleting word backwards: <c-w>
  • Delete line backwards from current position: <c-u>
  • Insert literal character: <c-u>
  • Insert unicode character: <c-u><Unicode Character Id>
  • Leaving insert mode for one command: <c-o>
  • Insert stuff from register A: <c-r>A
  • Using the expression register: <c-r>=r{Expression}
  • Insert something at the beginning of the current line: I
  • Autoindent: =

Random actions and motions

  • Perform the last action again: .
  • Undo: u
  • Redo: <c-r>
  • Open a file under the cursor: gf
  • Join current line with the following one by a space: J
  • Look up manual for command/program under the cursor: K
  • Increment number under cursor: <c-a>
  • Decrement number under cursor: <c-x>
  • Enforces spaces or tabs (depending on expandtab setting): :retab!
  • Reveal current directory: :pwd
  • Change current directory: :cd
  • Insert newText in 3 consequtive rows at once: <c-V>2jInewText<Esc>
  • Shortcut for copy: :t


  • Increment all the itemnum attributes in an XML file: :g/itemnum/normal 20^A
  • Copy line #9 to next line standing on line #16: :9Gyy:16Gp, :9Gyy<c-o>p, :9yankp, :9yp, :9copy16, :9t16, :9t., -7t.
  • Copy 3 lines from #9 to next line standing on line #16: :9,11t.

Explorer (netrw)

netrw module usually comes with vim.


  • Open Explorer in current window at current working directory: :e.
  • Open Explorer in split window at current working directory: :sp.
  • Open Explorer in vertical split window at current working directory: :vs.
  • Open Explorer at directory of current file: :Explorer
  • Open Explorer in vertical split window at directory of current file: :Vex

Manipulating file system

  • Create a new file: %
  • Create a new directory: d
  • Rename a file/directory under the cursor: R
  • Delete the file/directory under the cursor: D

Spell checking

Spell checking is built in into vim.


  • Enabling spellcheking: :set spell
  • Setting British English spelling: :spellang=en_gb
  • Accepting all English spellings (default): :spellang=en
  • Setting language for window: :windo set spellang=en
  • Setting language for buffer: :bufdo set spellang=en
  • Next misspelling: ]s
  • Previous misspelling: [s
  • Spelling suggestions: z=
  • Adding word to known words: zg
  • Removing word from known words: zw
  • Undoing adding word to known words: zug
  • Undoing removing word to known words: zuw

Command window

  • Open command history from Normal mode: q:
  • Open command history from Command mode: Ctrl+F
  • Open search history for forward search: q/
  • Open search history for backward search: q?



  • Enable pasting without automatic indentation: :set paste
  • Disable pasting without automatic indentation: :set nopaste


  • Show matches while typing: :set incsearch
  • Highlight search results: :set hlsearch
  • Disable highlighting search results: :set nohlsearch