Preface 4.5 years ago, I wrote a little blog post that I’d like to republish after spending four more years in management. Note that at the time of writing the original piece, I had roughly three years of management experience, and I had managed about 5-7 people in total. Since then, I have spent another four years in management and lead at least 20 more people. Below is a slightly revised version of the original post, which is still available here.
After four years of inactivity, I decided to give this blog a new, more modern look. It also made me reflect on the past a bit. This is a very personal post. There are no technical details below. Good ol’ PHP Times This blog has its first posts from 2012, when I was still very focused on PHP. I’m sure I hosted the original posts somewhere else because hugo didn’t even exist yet, but I don’t even remember where or how.
Have you ever read a blog post so great, that you thought everyone should read it? I sure have, more than once, but I found that in most cases “everyone” just didn’t care. Today however I decided to try something new. I’ll cherry pick a few posts from the recent years by topic and share them as a single blog post. I’ll throw in some of my own comments and act like I’ve actually done something creative today.
Obviously none of the following have I ever experienced personally, it’s more of a thought experience I suppose. So let’s say you have a software feature team made up of a handful of focused and experienced professionals and perhaps a few juniors just for good measure. Let’s also imagine that this is true for both the engineers and the product managers and they together manage to implement a very fruitful culture where things to deliver and their priorities are always clear.
Firefox? I started working as a web developer during the spring of 2002, less than a year after IE6 came out. For those who have ever heard about IE6 it should be obvious that this means that I spent a significant amount of my life working around the various quirks of IE and of course that I was at one point in my life a huge Firefox fan. Firefox was amazing at the time but unfortunately it became slower and slower with each iteration and by the time Google Chrome came around most web developers were ready for something much faster.
This post first appeared on my Imagine the following: You’re a software engineer in a small team of an amazing but small company. One day your lead comes up to you saying that the company is looking for more engineers to hire but the person in charge of the tech part of the process had to leave in a hurry for her home country in the middle of the process.
I’ve been a long time PHP / JavaScript developer by 2013 when I first started toying with Go. It’s been almost 5 years by now and I’ve been an advocate of the language ever since. I was one of the many programmers who tried it out for the concurency primitives but stayed for it’s simplicity. It was with Go that I realised how much nicer life is without inheritance and the rest of the OOP shenenigans.
This post is based on a section of the “Everything You Need to Know to Start with Go” post. Since than I realised that this post will be my own personal version of Awesome-Go, I will regularly update that post but as the Go communinity is booming, the interesting projects would just take over the rest of the material there, so I decided to create a separate post for cool, interesting projects being done in Go.
There is an awesome list of Go tools out there to find pretty much everything Go. The problem is, it’s a huge list, really not ideal for beginners in my humble opinion. Therefore I try to put together a Golang essentials below. Expect it to be regularly updated as I find old projects to no longer be supported and new ones which should really make this list… Getting Started Go Tour Go by Example Golangbot.
Docker is an awesome technology used by more and more people and companies for developement and software delivery world-wide. I think most developers have heard of it by now, many have probably tried it too. None the less, I thought it might be useful for some to show how to get started with it. I’ve never had a problem installing Docker via the official installation page, so there’s no need for me to add anything regarding that.